OOIFB Travel Information

The information provided below is provided to all travelers who will be reimbursed by the OOIFB Administrative Support Office at the University of Rhode Island. Please read the literature below before preparing your travel arrangements. We encourage you to contact Karen Besson with any OOIFB travel-related questions at karen@ooifb.org or 401-874-6825. All Travel Claims must be completed within 60 days of travel.

Before You Travel:

  • There is a new procedure for all OOIFB Travelers.  Please click on this link: Supplier_Registration_Form  Complete the form and click Submit. You will receive a response from the URI Supplier Department with an Invite that will ask you to complete all W9 and ACH (Direct Deposit) information for your reimbursement. This will insure that the URI Travel Dept. has all correct information for your reimbursement.

If you have any questions regarding this please email:  karen@ooifb.org


  • Original receipts are required for all expenses (including airfare, taxi, shuttles, gas, tolls, etc.) with the exception of meals which are covered by Federal Per Diem. Credit card receipts must show the last 4 digits of credit card, name, and cost paid.
  • If you are missing a receipt, please complete a Missing Receipt Form and return it with your receipts. Credit card statements may also be accepted if a receipt cannot be obtained.
  • After completing the Online Travel Reimbursement Form, email all online receipts to karen@ooifb.org. Only Non-Online Receipts must be mailed through postal mail (example: taxi receipts, cash receipts)

Airfare & Baggage:

  • URI will only reimburse for the price of coach fare.
  • Airfare Receipts must show name of traveler, departure/arrival dates and last 4 digits of credit card charged. Airfare itineraries will not be accepted as receipts.
  • If you book-end personal travel (or non-OOIFB travel) before or after OOIFB business travel dates, you are required to include an airfare quote (online printout accepted) of the airfare cost for only the OOIFB-related business dates of your trip. This printed quote must be done at the time of airfare booking to ensure dates are compliant with business travel dates.
  • URI will reimburse baggage fee for one bag per flight only.
  • All travel reimbursed by the OOIFB must adhere to URI Travel’s policy under the Fly America Act. Please see Section V.A of URI’s Travel Policy.

Rental Car and Gas Reimbursement:

  • If you rented a vehicle for your travel, please complete a Rental Vehicle Justification Form and include it with your receipts to be mailed to Karen Besson.
  • URI only reimburses for gas that the traveler purchases themselves, not the rental company gas option.

All forms referenced above can be downloaded at:

Please email ALL forms to:  karen@ooifb.org.  Do not email to any address located on the forms.

Special Considerations:

  • If your travel is paid by your University funds, please contact karen@ooifb.org for more information on submitting your travel claim.

Submitting your Travel Reimbursement Claim:

Submit your claim information here:

After submitting this form, please email all online receipts to karen@ooifb.org.  Please mail through postal mail all non-online receipts to the address below.

Karen Besson
OOIFB Administrative Support Office – Box 32
University of Rhode Island, GSO
215 South Ferry Road
Narragansett, RI 02882

Upon receipt, your travel claim will be processed through the URI Travel Department.