Note – The UNOLS Ocean Observing Science Committee was formed in December of 2010. It provided guidance and observations to the OOI and NSF during the construction phase of the OOI. The workshops were particularly successful.
- OOI_Facilities_Needs_2003 – A report on how OOI may affect the research fleet.
- UNOLS/OOSC OOI Coastal Arrays Workshop – January 2016 – Arlington, VA (OOI_Coastal_Arrays_Workshop ZIP)
- UNOLS/OOSC OOI Community Workshop: Cabled, Endurance, and Station Papa – September 2016 – Portland OR (OOI_NE_Pacific_Arrays ZIP)
- Pioneer Workshop 2011 (Prior to formation of OOSC) (Shelf_Slope_Processes_OOI_Pioneer_Array_2011 ZIP)
- UNOLS/OOSC Mini-workshop on Cyberinfrastructure – 2015