DDCI Committee Action Items – 2018

Action: DDCI-2018-1 (complete): Formalize DDCI Terms of Reference & Membership

  • It is anticipated that the DDCI will be significantly tasked during 2018/2019. With this in mind, the DDCI should formalize their terms of reference and review their membership by September 30, 2018.

Action Taken

  • ToR Revisions were approved by OOIFB in Oct 2018.  Revised Charter is posted.
  • Membership is confirmed, but term lengths need to be revisited.


Action: DDCI-2018-2 (tabled): Data Delivery Evaluation

  • The DDCI is tasked to conduct a baseline evaluation on data delivery plans of the new OOI 2.0 operator no later than December 31, 2018.
  • The DDCI is tasked to conduct a review of the success of the OOI data delivery for completion in April 2019 (6 months after the OOI 2.0 begins). Metrics for success will be established for the review.

Action Taken

  • Data delivery evaluation has been reviewed by the DDCI committee as part of the task to provide a report to NSF.


Action: DDCI-2018-3 (complete): NSF Tasking to DDCI – Provide a report which evaluates OOI Data Delivery

  • Tasking for development of the OOIFB (Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board) DDCI (Data Distribution and Cyberinfrastructure) Subcommittee Report. The report will be submitted to the OOIFB for review, approval and submission to NSF:

Goal- Provide a report which evaluates whether or not OOI Data Delivery “meets the needs” of the oceanographic community. Evaluate other available options, and to the extent possible, identify the resources that would be needed to implement and operate the alternatives.  Within the overall goal above, evaluate Data Delivery and Cyberinfrastructure systems (M2M, raw data, IRIS, ERDDAP, cyberinfrastructure inclusive of both software and hardware, etc.), employing methods such as Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) analyses at an appropriate level, coupled with facility provided information on user numbers and what resources are being committed to each. SWOT analyses and resource requirements should be completed to the extent possible for identified alternatives.

The report should utilize an incremental scale when addressing the question of “meets the needs”, perhaps employing something like inadequate, adequate, exemplar.The Subcommittee will incorporate input from the community via public surveys, and possible follow-up meetings or workshops.  The NSF will entertain requests for resources to support gathering community input, and investigation of alternatives where necessary.

Timeline: The NSF requests receipt of the OOIFB approved report by 1 November 2019.  The report will then be shared with an external panel that NSF will be convening in early December 2019. The OOIFB DDCI report, and the follow-on external panel report, will be shared throughout NSF, inclusive of supporting an anticipated NSF OCE report to the NSB in May 2020.

Time period for analysis: Recognizing the rapidly changing pace of data delivery and cyberinfrastructure systems, the NSF asks the OOIFB DDCI Subcommittee to use a time period of three years when considering user needs and the capabilities of the existing system or alternatives to meet those needs.

Tasking received from NSF on November 9, 2018

Action Taken

  • Biweekly web conferences were carried out since the start of the tasking.  More frequent web conferences were held as the report deadline approached.
  • SWOT session held on Dec 11, 2018 with follow-up rankings provided via email.
  • Community Survey conducted.  Survey was announced on March 29 and closed on April 26.  127 responses received.
  • DDCI Evaluation of survey data conducted and findings are incorporated into the report.
  • Report outline generated – May 2019
  • The timeline for completion was revised:  DDCI submits draft report to OOIFB on Nov 1, 2019.  OOIFB submits final report to NSF on Dec 1, 2019.
  • DDCI members provided text and figures for the report draft in a Google Doc.
  • The draft DDCI report was approved by the OOIFB on Dec 18th with the incorporation of some minor edits and formatting corrections.
  • The DDCI Report titled, Improving Ocean Observatories Data Delivery Systems and Procedures, was submitted to NSF on December 24, 2019.


Action: DDCI-2018-4 (complete): Carry out at a SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

  • Identify Topics for SWOT
  • Moderator – Tom Kearney, COL
  • SWOT Session – Tuesday, December 11th at COL

Action Taken

  • SWOT Session held on Dec 11th at COL.  Moderator was Tom Kearney.  DDCI member participation was possible in-person and virtual.
  • SWOT rankings were due on Dec 31st, but Gov’t shutdown has impacted response.
  • Tom Kearney presented the SWOT summary to DDCI on March 28, 2019 and at the May DDCI meeting.
  • Tom Kearney provided all SWOT material to DDCI on June 30, 2019.


Action: DDCI-2018-5 (complete): Provide DDCI Chair access to Redmine

Action Taken:

  • Redmine access provided to Tim Crone and Rich Signell.


Action: DDCI-2018-6 (complete): Create an OOIFB_DDCI Slack group

Action Taken:

  • Annette created the DDCI Slack Group on November 15, 2018.  Tim Crone is the manager.


Action: DDCI-2018-7 (Complete): Carry out a community survey

  • ODU Survey Group will implement survey
  • DDCI will draft questions.

Action Taken:

  • Tancy Vandecar-Burdin provided survey introduction during DDCI web meeting – 12/18/18
  • Community Survey announced on March 29, 2019
  • Survey closed on April 26th (some responses received after the deadline).
  • 127 responses received.
  • Survey data was extensively reviewed by DDCI members and summaries are incorporated into the DDCI report to NSF.
  • All survey data, plots, and comments have been compiled into a pdf document.
  • A summary of the survey was included as an appendix in the DDCI report to NSF submitted on 12/24/19.


Action: DDCI-2018-8 (complete): Create a DDCI Resource Library.

Action Taken:

  • OOI 2.0 provided OOI transition documents.
  • Google Drive Folder for DDCI members was created on November 26, 2018 to hold the documents.


Action: DDCI-2018-9 (tabled): DDCI members are asked to provide initial impressions of resource documents.

  • Tim Crone will establish a 1-2 page template for initial impressions.
  • DDCI members are to each provide impressions using the template after reviewing the resource documents

Action Taken:

  • DDCI member focus has been on drafting the NSF report.