Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship for Students and Early Career Scientists

The Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship helps early career scientists and graduate students who are actively involved in research and/or education programs using U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) data. The Fellowship provides travel support for the recipient to attend (in-person or virtual) and present a paper or poster on research or education using NSF OOI data at a national or international conference or workshop. The Fellowship will be awarded annually and multiple awards may be granted each year.

Information on eligibility requirements, how to apply, and how to donate to the Fellowship is provided below.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Attend (in person or virtual) and present a paper or poster on research or education using NSF OOI data at  a national or international conference or workshop.
  2. Be within 10 years of receiving your terminal degree or currently enrolled full-time in a graduate program.
  3. Be a citizen of the United States or currently working/studying at a US institution.
  4. Be involved in research or education that uses OOI data.
  5. The conference or workshop must have sessions focused on ocean observatory-related topics.
  6. The conference or workshop should provide an opportunity for you to network with other OOI educators and scientists.
  7. The conference or workshop must take place within 12 months of your fellowship notification period (extensions would be considered in the event of major events that might postpone or cancel the workshop).
  8. Travel award requests are not expected to exceed $2,500. The deadline for applications is 30 days before said workshop or conference. 
  9. You are expected to book your own airfare/transportation and provide proof of attendance for the workshop/conference.
  10. You are also required to submit receipts for your claimed expenses up to the amount of the award within two months of the meeting.
  11. Within three months of the meeting, you are required to submit a brief (<300 words) report on the benefits of your attendance.
  12. Please note, award amounts may vary dependent on the number of applications received.

How to Apply  

If you need funding to offset conference expenses (registration fees, travel costs, accommodations, etc.) and meet the eligibility requirements listed above, we encourage you to apply.  Applications to participate in conferences that will be held in-person or virtually will be considered. 

Please note, the online application form will require that you upload a current CV and a letter of recommendation from an advisor, mentor, or professional in the field. Accepted formats for these documents are Word Documents and PDFs. Questions can be directed to Holly Morin at <>.

How to Donate

If you wish to provide a contribution to support the Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship for Students and Early Career Scientists, please contact the OOIFB Office at <> for donation information.

On May 14, 2020, the OOI Facility Board (OOIFB) established the Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship for Students and Early Career Scientists and virtually presented Larry with a plaque recognizing the occasion. The OOIFB along with representatives of the National Science Foundation founded the Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship in recognition of his outstanding leadership as the inaugural Chair of the OOIFB.  
OOIFB members and NSF representatives visit the OOI facility at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Larry Atkinson is fifth from the right. Photos by Annette DeSilva (URI) .
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Larry P. Atkinson
1941 – 2020

Dr. Larry Atkinson, the inaugural Chair of the OOI Facility Board (OOIFB), died on December 22, 2020.  Larry served as the OOIFB Chair from May 2017 until November 2019 and Past-Chair since that time.  He worked to expand scientific and public awareness of OOI. Larry promoted inclusiveness and was an advocate for the science community who used OOI data. As OOIFB Chair, Larry had a particular focus on students and early career scientists, and he worked to highlight their use of OOI.

Larry generously served the oceanographic community for more than five decades by sharing his time, knowledge, and leadership to support ocean initiatives. 

We will greatly miss Larry’s wisdom, leadership, and kindness.  To read more, click HERE.

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Elizabeth Fergusonfirst recipient of the Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship, makes a presentation at the Society for Marine Mammalogy conference 

Elizabeth Ferguson attended the 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, held on 1 – 5 August, 2022 in Palm Beach, Florida and presented her research that uses OOI data. Elizabeth was selected as the first recipient of the Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship for students and early career scientists. She has a position at California State University San Marcos and is the CEO and Founding Director of Ocean Science Analytics). A video of her presentation is available at: SMM2022 Video.