
NSF “Dear Colleague” Letter to encourage the use of long-term datasets

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) recently issued a “Dear Colleague” letter (DCL) to stimulate the use and reuse of long-term environmental data sets, such as that generated by the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI). Other examples of multidisciplinary data sets/projects include: To learn more about this DCL opportunity (NSF 24-081), its goals and how to… Read more NSF “Dear Colleague” Letter to encourage the use of long-term datasets

Announcing a new NSF-funded faculty travel grant program

Please help spread the word about this new U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded faculty travel grant program. This award will support up to 50 early-to-mid career faculty from under-resourced U.S. undergraduate-focused institutions, such as Emerging Research Institutions (ERIs), Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and community colleges (2YCs) to attend, in-person, the AGU24 annual meeting in Washington,… Read more Announcing a new NSF-funded faculty travel grant program

Follow the OOIFB on LinkedIn!

The OOIFB has recently created a LinkedIn page to further engage its community. The Twitter/X and OOIFB website posts will still be active/current. Any news and events will be shared across all three platforms. We welcome all to connect with us! Connect with us here

Call for Applications: OOI Facility Board (2 open positions)

OOI Facility Board [Application Deadline: April 24, 2024]The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Ocean Observatories Initiative Facility Board (OOIFB) is tasked with representing the science community and users of the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Facility. The OOIFB works to expand scientific and public awareness of OOI, and ensure that the oceanographic community is kept informed of… Read more Call for Applications: OOI Facility Board (2 open positions)

NSF OOI’s Pioneer Array noted in Water Power Technologies Office 2022–2023 Accomplishments Report

In the Marine Energy program section of the Water Power Technologies Office 2022–2023 Accomplishments Report, a summary is provided of collaborative efforts between Sandia National Laboratories and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to develop a wave energy converter (WEC) that can support the NSF OOI Coastal Pioneer Array. Additional project partners include Evergreen Innovations, Monterey Bay… Read more NSF OOI’s Pioneer Array noted in Water Power Technologies Office 2022–2023 Accomplishments Report

Meg Yoder, second recipient of the Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship, made a presentation at the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans

The Larry T. Atkinson Student Travel Grant was awarded by the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Facilities Board to Meg Yoder, a fourth year PhD student at Boston College. In February, she used this funding to attend the Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. There, Yoder presented her research on net community production and inorganic… Read more Meg Yoder, second recipient of the Larry P. Atkinson Travel Fellowship, made a presentation at the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans

US CLIVAR workshop announcement

Please see below the US CLIVAR announcement for a workshop titled: “Optimizing Ocean Observing Networks for Detecting the Coastal Climate Signal”

Notice of Availability of a Draft Supplemental Site-Specific Environmental Assessment for the NSF OOI Pioneer Array Modifications and Relocation to the Mid-Atlantic Bight

The National Science Foundation (NSF) gives notice of the availability of the “Draft Supplemental Site-Specific Environmental Assessment for Pioneer Array Modifications and Relocation to the Mid-Atlantic Bight” (Draft SSSEA) for review and public comment on the NSF website (, closing on October 28, 2023. Comments may be submitted to:  Comments received will be addressed in… Read more Notice of Availability of a Draft Supplemental Site-Specific Environmental Assessment for the NSF OOI Pioneer Array Modifications and Relocation to the Mid-Atlantic Bight

New OOI press releases from NSF, OOI, WHOI, UW, & OSU

Check out the latest public releases from the National Science Foundation, OOI, WHOI, UW, and OSU. NSF: OOI Facility: OSU: WHOI: UW: NSF: